Happy Birthday Will

Time flies when your cute as a button!
Today we celebrated Will's 1st Birthday!
It was a beautiful day and very cozy at Jon & Joyce's.
The fire was warm and the food was excellent.
All the kids were great and enjoyed playing with each other.
Pretty special day! And we get to do it again later this month for Jackaroni!
Here's a few pictures I took of the Birthday Boy!
Mike, J and Ellie
Great pictures! Thanks so much for putting them up. We had a terrific time. Can't believe a whole year has passed already! See you all soon,
The High Meadow Team
Wonderful pictures! It was a great time! See you in a few weeks,
Kat & Brian
I can't wait to take pictures of Jack, Will and Ellie at the bowling alley in a few weeks.
Just like my Bachelor party!
David Wells was there. Maybe Schilling will be a this shin dig!
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