Where is everyone?

Since it's been quiet out here thought I'd post something. And because it's me, it'll be random :) Looking at this picture of Jack, it's like he's saying, "Where are you? Please respond to my mommy's post".
And if that doesn't move you, here's a picture of one of my favorite things in the whole, wide world: Chinese food!
Here's a topic we can discuss - Neil Entwistle. Koo koo and sad overall. I'm betting that when he comes back here he's going to shock everyone and plead guilty.
Let's discuss! (Chinese food and Entwistle...told you it would be random).
- joyce
First of all, the picture of Jack is soooooo cute...he does look a bit forlorn, must be the winter weather...
And the Chinese food? Well, I just ate lunch and it still makes me salivate!!!
As for Entwhistle...talk about a distorted view of reality and an ego the size of the Grand Canyon to think he could fool the authorities...he should just save the taxpayers $$$ and plead guilty, but I'm sure his ego won't allow him to do that, and some high powered defense attorney will sling a line of BS about his having cracked due to the sorry state of his finances, etc...but I bet he won't last long in prison...some inmate will do him in for what he did and that's the least of what he deserves.
High Meadow
That picture is GREAT! Jack is such a little ham!
Augh this Entwistle thing is so incredibly sad. This guy seems like he was on a downward spiral for a while- they said he was surfing the internet for other sexual; partners and ways to murder people! This was def. premeditaed so I hope an insanity defense does not hold up. I just don't understand how someone can do that do a woman he has pledged to love and take care of and then a defenseless baby- it gives me knots inside..
This guy deserves to fry in my humble opinion.
Thanks for the post Joyce, that chinese food is so not making me want what I have planned for dinner tonight!! :)
~Johanna and Ellie (who started to say the word "poo poo" today ;) LOVLEY!
hola! Jack is going to be an actor! Great picture of him :) As for Entwistle, I agree with you all. An ego that large contributed to his not being able to follow through with his so-called suicide attempt. He's a coward, through and through. However, Rachel should never have settled to hear Neil say they were fine financially; as a partner in any marriage, the wife has the right and the obligation to know where every red cent is coming from. However, that's not to blame her, obviously, but it's just a shame because he obviously had many, many issues beyond money (requesting escorts, etc) and she apparently didn't suspect a thing. Tragedy all around. I want to know how the baby received those mysterious wounds that don't match the bullet wounds....That man has a condo on the shore of Hell's fire pits. That's what I have to say.
whoops, you're right, Joyce--that was me. Forgot to sign my name. And I agree about the gel! Hahahaa!!! Yeah, I read the other day that the baby had a contusion to her right eye and another wound on her cheek, and neither matched up with a gun shot wound. I cannot imagine someone hurting such an innocent being. It's disgusting.
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