Introducing XO Events, Inc.!

H! J here...
I am on my way to being a business owner! I met with "my" lawyer yesterday and I should be a real deal honest to goodness corporation within the next week! He checked on the name and it is available (despite the fact that there is an "XO" resturaunt in Providence, as we know girls)...
XO Events, Inc. will launch with the 2005 Holiday Gift Fair season- I am booking space at area hospitals, universities and large office buildings, and then recruiting 8-10 crafters and artisans to sell their products. The space in these facilities is free- esspecially since I am marketing this as an "employee" event. The vendors however pay a fee for the table. This is how I make money. I have two gift fairs already booked and some very interested vendors- if anyone knows someone who does a craft or gifty type thing keep me in mind!
XO will then kick off the New Year with its Prom Fest 2005 season. Same concept as the Gift Fairs except it's high schools and the vendors are prom vendors. That season will run through mid-march, and after that, I begin work on my summer idea; a big, multi weekend event- not sure if it will happen, but I'm hoping it will..
So anyway~ that's the news from me today- very exciting! :)
AWESOME!!! This is a very "incorporated" family! I figured getting incorporated would make the most legal sense for you, just like it did for me, too. CONGRATULATIONS, chica! -Kat
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