Our Little Pony

Good Morning ,
J, Ellie and I went trick or treating last night. Ellie had a great time showing off her horse costume and collecting candy for Mommy and Daddy to eat. It's quite the trick to use little children to get candy. We went to a few neighbors who were excited to see her.
We didn't get a ton of kids to the house but enough to almost get rid of our candy. Amazinglywe got a group of 3 young mothers with children dressed up in costumes in strollers at 9:20..... Ah... kinda late to be trick or treating with 1 year olds.
J and I kept our Halloween tradition of beer and pizza going. We ate Jax cheese curls waiting for the pizza to arrive.
Hope you all had a great Halloween! M, J, & Ellie

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Curt Schilling came to our house! OK, it wasn't the same bloody-sock Curt, but some kid dressed as him, so close enough I guess.
Jack & Will had a great Halloween. Jack was a bear and Will was a pumpkin. Jack got a good amount of candy and his container was pretty full. I was disappointed that he didn't get any Mr. Goodbars though. (What's wrong with people?!) He did get a big bag of animal crackers, which was a little odd.
I think Will had a good first Halloween. He seemed to be getting into the spirit of it. He enjoyed having his costume on and he wouldn't stop grabbing the candy in our bowl. He thinks that because he already has two little teeth that he can start eating candy:)
Jon took Jack around while Will & I passed out candy and manned the fog machine and spooky sound effects. If you were wondering where all the trick-or-treaters were they were in our neighborhood. We got a lot. Yet, we still have 3 bags of candy left. Hmmm...I think someone (i.e. not me) bought a little extra on purpose.
Overall it was a fun Halloween and we were greatful that the weather was so nice. 70 degrees on Halloween, who woulda thunk?
We'll try and post some pictures of the boys in their costumes. They were both so adorable. And I'm not just saying that because I'm their proud Mama!
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